Bin Wang

【Source: | Date:2024-05-27 】

Bin Wangundefined

Associate Professor of Environmental Epidemiology

Department of Occupational and Environmental Health


Academic Areas

Environmental epidemiology

Research Interests

1.      Environmental epidemiology of cardiometabolic and respiratory diseases

2.      Gene-environment interactions in cardiometabolic and respiratory diseases

3.      Health damage patterns and underlying mechanisms of environmental exposure


2015.09-2020.06      Ph.D. in Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

                                      Tongji Medical College               

                                      Huazhong University of Science and Technology                       

2010.09-2015.06       M.D. in Preventive Medicine

                                      Nanchang University

Professional/working Experience

2023.06-present       Associate Professor in Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

                                      Tongji Medical College               

                                      Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

2020.12-2023.05      Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

                                      Tongji Medical College               

                                      Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Select Publications

Journal Article

1.Bin Wang, Weihong Qiu, Shijie Yang, Limin Cao, Chunmei Zhu, Jixuan Ma, Wei Li, Zhuang Zhang, Tao Xu, Xing Wang, Man Cheng, Ge Mu, Dongming Wang, Yun Zhou, Jing Yuan, Weihong Chen*. Acrylamide exposure and oxidative DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, and fasting plasma glucose alteration: Association and mediation analyses in Chinese urban adults. Diabetes Care, 2020, 43(7): 1479-1486. (IF=19.112JCR Q1)

2.Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Min Zhou, Zi Ye, Ruyi Liang, Qiyou Tan, Jiahao Song, Jixuan Ma, Dongming Wang, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between propylene oxide exposure and lung function among Chinese community residents: Roles of oxidative DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, and protein carbonylation. CHEST, 2023, 163(6): 1395-1409. (IF=11.393JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

3.Bin Wang, Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Zi Ye, Man Cheng, Weihong Qiu, Min Zhou, Jixuan Ma, Xing Wang, Meng Yang, Jiahao Song, Weihong Chen*. Acrolein exposure impaired glucose homeostasis and increased risk of type 2 diabetes: An urban adult population-based cohort study with repeated measures. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57(18): 7162-7173. (IF=11.4JCR Q1)

4.Bin Wang, Man Cheng, Shijie Yang, Weihong Qiu, Wei Li, Yun Zhou, Xing Wang, Meng Yang, Heng He, Chunmei Zhu, Xingzu Cen, Ailian Chen, Lili Xiao, Min Zhou, Jixuan Ma, Ge Mu, Dongming Wang, Yanjun Guo, Xiaomin Zhang, Weihong Chen*. Exposure to acrylamide and reduced heart rate variability: The mediating role of transforming growth factor-β. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 395: 122677. (IF=14.224JCR Q1)

5.Bin Wang, Xing Wang, Linling Yu, Wei Liu, Jiahao Song, Lieyang Fan, Min Zhou, Meng Yang, Jixuan Ma, Man Cheng, Weihong Qiu, Ruyi Liang, Dongming Wang, Yanjun Guo, Weihong Chen*. Acrylamide exposure increases cardiovascular risk of general adult population probably by inducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and TGF-β1: A prospective cohort study. Environment International, 2022, 164: 107261. (IF=13.352JCR Q1)

6.Bin Wang, Linling Yu, Wei Liu, Meng Yang, Lieyang Fan, Min Zhou, Jixuan Ma, Xing Wang, Xiuque Nie, Man Cheng, Weihong Qiu, Zi Ye, Jiahao Song, Weihong Chen*. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of acrolein exposure with pulmonary function alteration: Assessing the potential roles of oxidative DNA damage, inflammation, and pulmonary epithelium injury in a general adult population. Environment International, 2022, 167: 107401. (IF=13.352JCR Q1)

7.Ruyi Liang, Lieyang Fan, Xuefeng Lai, Da Shi, Hao Wang, Wendi Shi, Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Jiahao Song, Bin Wang*. Air pollution exposure, accelerated biological aging, and increased thyroid dysfunction risk: evidence from a nationwide prospective study. Environment International, 2024. (IF=13.352JCR Q1)

8.Linling Yu, Wei Liu, Min Zhou, Shijie Yang, Qiyou Tan, Lieyang Fan, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Long-term effect of styrene and ethylbenzene exposure on fasting plasma glucose: A gene-environment interaction study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 452: 131346. (IF=14.224JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

9.Jiahao Song, Dongming Wang, Min Zhou, Xiaojie You, Qiyou Tan, Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*, Xiaoju Zhang*. Carbon disulfide exposure induced lung function reduction partly through oxidative protein damage: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 454: 131464. (IF=14.224JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

10.Lieyang Fan#, Bin Wang#, Jixuan Ma, Zi Ye, Xiuquan Nie, Man Cheng, Yujia Xie, Pei Gu, Yingdie Zhang, Xiaojie You, Yun Zhou*, Weihong Chen*. Role and mechanism of WNT5A in benzo(a)pyrene-induced acute lung injury and lung function decline. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 460: 132391. (IF=14.224JCR Q1Co-first author)

11.Linling Yu, Meng Yang, Man Cheng, Lieyang Fan, Xing Wang, Tao Xu, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Associations between urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations and markers of liver injury in the US adult population. Environment International, 2021, 155: 106608. (IF=13.352JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

12.Jiahao Song, Lieyang Fan, Da Shi, Xuefeng Lai, Hao Wang, Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Ruyi Liang, Yongfang Zhang, Shuhui Wan, Yueru Yang, Bin Wang*. Sleep and liver function biomarkers in relation to risk of incident liver cancer: A nationwide prospective cohort study. BMC Medicine, 2024. (IF=11.806JCR Q1)

13.Bin Wang, Xing Wang, Shijie Yang, Man Cheng, Yun Zhou, Min Zhou, Zi Ye, Weihong Qiu, Heng He, Xingzu Cen, Chunmei Zhu, Limin Cao, Ge Mu, Jixuan Ma, Dongming Wang, Lili Xiao, Jing Yuan, Weihong Chen*. Acrylamide exposure and pulmonary function reduction in general population: The mediating effect of systemic inflammation. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 778: 146304. (IF=10.753JCR Q1)

14.Linling Yu, Bin Wang*, Wei Liu, Tao Xu, Meng Yang, Xing Wang, Qiyou Tan, Shijie Yang, Lieyang Fan, Man Cheng, Weihong Qiu, Weihong Chen*. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of styrene and ethylbenzene exposure with heart rate variability alternation among urban adult population in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 845: 157231. (IF=10.753JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

15.Bin Wang, Shijie Yang, Yanjun Guo, Yanjian Wan, Weihong Qiu, Man Cheng, Xing Wang, Meng Yang, Yan Yu, Jixuan Ma, Yun Zhou, Wei Li, Shiming Gan, Tingming Shi, Jing Yuan, Weihong Chen*. Association of urinary dimethylformamide metabolite with lung function decline: The potential mediating role of systematic inflammation estimated by C-reactive protein. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 726: 138604. (IF=10.753JCR Q1)

16.Ruyi Liang, Xiaobing Feng, Da Shi, Linling Yu, Meng Yang, Min Zhou, Yongfang Zhang, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Associations of urinary 1,3-butadiene metabolite with glucose homeostasis, prediabetes, and diabetes in the US general population: Role of alkaline phosphatase. Environmental Research, 2023, 222: 115355. (IF=8.431JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

17.Yongfang Zhang, Min Zhou, Ruyi Liang, Linling Yu, Man Cheng, Xing Wang, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Arsenic exposure incurs hyperglycemia mediated by oxidative damage in urban adult population: A prospective cohort study with three repeated measures. Environmental Research, 2023, 229: 116009. (IF=8.431JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

18.Weihong Qiu#, Bin Wang#, Xiaobing Feng, Heng He, Lieyang Fan, Zi Ye, Xiuquan Nie, Ge Mu, Wei Liu, Dongming Wang, Min Zhou*, Weihong Chen*. Associations of short-term ambient temperature exposure with lung function in middle-aged and elderly people: A longitudinal study in China. Eco-Environment & Health, 2024, 3(2): 165-173. (Co-first author)

19.Bin Wang#, Lieyang Fan#, Shijie Yang, Min Zhou, Ge Mu, Wei Liu, Linling Yu, Meng Yang, Man Cheng, Xing Wang, Weihong Qiu, Tingming Shi, Weihong Chen*. Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between urinary 1-bromopropane metabolite and pulmonary function and underlying role of oxidative damage among urban adults in the Wuhan-Zhuhai cohort in China. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 313: 120147. (IF=9.988JCR Q1Co-first author)

20.Linling Yu#, Wei Liu#, Xing Wang#, Zi Ye, Qiyou Tan, Weihong Qiu, Xiuquan Nie, Minjing Li, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. A review of practical statistical methods used in epidemiological studies to estimate the health effects of multi-pollutant mixture. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 306: 119356. (IF=9.988JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

21.Wei Liu, Shuting Cao, Da Shi, Linling Yu, Weihong Qiu, Weihong Chen*, Bin Wang*. Single-chemical and mixture effects of multiple volatile organic compounds exposure on liver injury and risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a representative general adult population. Chemosphere, 2023, 339: 139753. (IF=8.943JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

22.Wei Liu#, Linling Yu#, Zi Ye#, Xing Wang#, Weihong Qiu, Qiyou Tan, Xiuquan Nie, Minjing Li, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Assessment for the associations of twenty-three metal(loid)s exposures with early cardiovascular damage among Chinese urban adults with five statistical methods: Insight into assessing health effect of multipollutant exposure. Chemosphere, 2022, 307: 135969. (IF=8.943JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

23.Wei Liu, Shuting Cao, Da Shi, Zi Ye, Linling Yu, Ruyi Liang, Man Cheng, Weihong Chen*, Bin Wang*. Association between dietary vitamin intake and mortality in US adults with diabetes: A prospective cohort study. Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews, 2024, 40(2): e3729. (IF=8.128JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

24.Bin Wang, Yun Zhou, Lili Xiao, Yanjun Guo, Jixuan Ma, Min Zhou, Tingming Shi, Aijun Tan, Jing Yuan, Weihong Chen*. Association of lung function with cardiovascular risk: A cohort study. Respiratory Research, 2018, 19(1): 214. (IF=7.162JCR Q1)

25.Ruyi Liang, Xiaobing Feng, Da Shi, Meng Yang, Linling Yu, Wei Liu, Min Zhou, Xing Wang, Weihong Qiu, Lieyang Fan, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. The global burden of disease attributable to high fasting plasma glucose in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: An updated analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews, 2022, 38(8): e3572. (IF=8.128JCR Q1Co-corresponding author)

26.Linling Yu, Hong Mei, Da Shi, Xing Wang, Man Cheng, Lieyang Fan, Yang Xiao, Ruyi Liang, Bin Wang*, Meng Yang*, Weihong Chen*. Association of caffeine and caffeine metabolites with obesity among children and adolescents: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2009-2014. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29(38): 57618-57628. (IF=5.190JCR Q2Co-corresponding author)

27.Wei Liu, Shuting Cao, Jixuan Ma, Da Shi, Linling Yu, Zi Ye, Meng Yang*, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Exposures to volatile organic compounds, serum vitamin D, and kidney function: association and interaction assessment in the US adult population. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(3): 7605-7616. (IF=5.190JCR Q2Co-corresponding author)

28.Xing Wang#, Bin Wang#, Man Cheng, Linling Yu, Wei Liu, Xiuquan Nie, Mengyi Wang, Min Zhou, Weihong Chen*. Lipid peroxidation mediates the association between iron overload and liver injury: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses in general Chinese urban adults. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(21): 60343-60353. (IF=5.190JCR Q2Co-first author)

29.Linling Yu, Meng Yang, Xiuquan Nie, Min Zhou, Qiyou Tan, Zi Ye, Wei Liu, Ruyi Liang, Xiaobin Feng, Bin Wang*, Weihong Chen*. Associations of glucose metabolism and diabetes with heart rate variability: A population-based cohort study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(36): 85569-85577. (IF=5.190JCR Q2Co-corresponding author)

30.Ge Mu#, Bin Wang#, Shijie Yang, Xing Wang, Min Zhou, Wenjing Song, Weihong Qiu, ZiYe, Yun Zhou, Weihong Chen*. Assessment for personal PM2.5 exposure with a modeling method: A panel study in Wuhan, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, 11(11): 1991-1997. (IF=4.831JCR Q2Co-first author)

31.Wei Liu, Shuting Cao, Da Shi, Zi Ye, Linling Yu, Ruyi Liang, Weihong Chen*, Bin Wang*. Daily Folate Consumption Is Associated with Reduced All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among US Adults with Diabetes, Prediabetes, or Insulin Resistance. Nutrition Research, 2023, 114: 71-80. (IF=4.5JCR Q3Co-corresponding author)