Wei Xia

【Source: | Date:2023-03-14 】

Professor of Environmental Medicine

Department of Environmental Medicine



Academic Areas

Environmental Epidemiology; Environmental Toxicology

Research Interests

The effects of environmental exposures on fetal growth, birth outcomes and children development, as well as the corresponding mechanisms.

Awards and Honors

Science and Technology Award, 2015, Hubei Province, China


2006-2011 Ph.D., Environmental Health, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

2001-2006 B.M., Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Professional / Working Experience

2015-Present Associate professor, Institute of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

2014-2015 Visiting scientist, Dept. of Environmental Health, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT, United States

2011-2015 Assistant professor, Institute of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

Past and ongoing projects, funding, programs

1. Regulation of placental mTOR energy sensing signaling pathway by different forms of vanadium and its effects on fetal development, National Natural Science Foundation of China 42277428, 2023.1-2026.12 (PI)

2. Study on typical total environmental exposure scenarios of residents in Wuhan, Environmental and Health work Project, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 2111101, 2020.03­2020.12 (PI)

3. Human exposure omics and biomarkers of soil pollutants in key industrial sites, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019YFC1804502, 2020.01-2023.12.

4. A birth cohort study of maternal and infant exposure to neonicotinoids and their effects on neurodevelopment in children, Hubei Provincial Health Commission Joint Fund Project, WY19A03,WJ2019H307,2019.10-2022.10 (PI)

5. Total Exposure of residents to environmental Metals in Investigation Areas of Hubei Province (Phase II), Environmental and Health work Project, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 2111101-04,2019.03-2020.02,(PI)

6. Total Exposure of residents to environmental Metals in Investigation Areas of Hubei Province (Phase I), Environmental and Health work Project, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 2111101-04, 2018.04-2019.02 (PI)

7. Effect of MEHP on nucleosome localization of PPARγ target gene and its role in adipocyte differentiation, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 81402649, 2015.01-2017.12 (PI)

8.Study on Technical Guidelines for Safe Dose Derivation of environmental Chemical Pollutants based on Human health, Standard research project, National Health Commission, 20190706, 2019.09-2020.09

9. Effects of embryonic exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors on the developmental origin of glucolipid metabolic diseases and health risks, Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China. 21437002, 2015.01-2019.12

10. Study on the method of setting environmental air Lead quality Standard Limit based on health risk assessment, Environmental protection public welfare industry research Project, Ministry of Ecological Environment, 201309048, 2013.01-2015.12

11.Effects of exposure to bisphenol A during pregnancy on adipocyte development and differentiation in offspring rats and its mechanism, Special Research Fund for doctoral program of higher education institutions, 20120142120017, 2012.01-2015.12 (PI)

12. Research on the pathogenesis and prevention of major diseases, Special project in the early stage of the 973 plan, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2012.01-2014.12

13. The effect and mechanism of PFOA on the differentiation of former fat cells, The independent innovation research fund of Huazhong University of Science &Technology, 2012.05-2013.12

14. The children's health damage effect mechanism and molecular marker screening based on the exposure group and the metabolic group, The independent innovation research fund of Huazhong University of Science &Technology, 2015.04-2016.12 (PI)

15. Technical documentation and technical guidance for special research and technical documents on environmental and health research in key areas of the country, A special survey of environmental and health in key areas of the country, 2013.08-2013.12

16. The environmental pollution and cancer risk evaluation and environmental health management system of huaihe river basin are studied in the huaihe river basin cancer, The comprehensive special purpose of cancer in huaihe river basin, 2012.05-2012.12

17. Survey on total heavy metal exposure in south China area, National environmental protection department, 2016.01-2017.01

18. The study of the exposure and response of the acute health effects of different particle sizes and chemical components of atmospheric fine particles, National key research and development project, 2016YFC0206505, 2017.01- 2020.12

Select Publications

Mei Li#, Yanjian Wan#, Xi Qian, Aizhen Wang, Gaga Mahai, Zhenyu He, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xi*. Urinary metabolites of multiple volatile organic compounds among pregnant women across pregnancy: Variability, exposure characteristics, and associations with selected oxidative stress biomarkers. Environmental International. 2023, 173:107816

1.Juan Liu, Fengyu Ruan, Shuting Cao, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Associations between prenatal multiple metal exposure and preterm birth: Comparison of four statistical models. Chemosphere, 2022, 289:133015.

2.Ziyuan Xu#, Yanjian Wan#, Wei Xia*, Lixiao Zhou, Aizhen Wang, Lisha Shi, Yinsheng Guo, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu, Rong Zhang. Fipronil and its metabolites in human seminal plasma from Shijiazhuang, north China. Chemosphere, 2022, 289:133238.

3.Jingyu Qu#, Wei Xia#, Xi Qian, Yongning Wu, Jingguang Li, Sheng Wen, Shunqing Xu. Geographic distribution and time trend of human exposure of Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate among different age groups based on global biomonitoring data. Chemosphere, 2022, 287:132115.

4.Aizhen Wang#, Yanjian Wan#, Lixiao Zhou, Wei Xia*, Yinsheng Guo, Gaga Mahai, Zong Yang, Shunqing Xu, Rong Zhang. Neonicotinoid insecticide metabolites in seminal plasma: Associations with semen quality. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 811:151407.

5.Gaga Mahai#, Yanjian Wan #, Wei Xia*, Aizhen Wang, Xi Qian, Ying Li, Zhenyu He, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu. Exposure assessment of neonicotinoid insecticides and their metabolites in Chinese women during pregnancy: A longitudinal study. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 818:151806.

6.Ying Li#, Yanqiu Zhou#, Zongwei Cai, Ruizhen Li, Pei Leng, Hongxiu Liu, Juan Liu, Gaga Mahai, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Associations of benzotriazoles and benzothiazoles with estrogens and androgens among pregnant women: A cohort study with repeated measurements. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838:155998.

7.Juan Liu#, Yanjian Wan#, Ying Jiang #, Wei Xia*, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu. Occurrence of azole and strobilurin fungicides in indoor dust from three cities of China. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 304:119168.

8.Yan Wang#, Yanjian Wan#, Meiling Cao#, Aizhen Wang, Gaga Mahai, Zhenyu He, Shunqin Xu, Wei Xia*. Urinary 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid in Chinese pregnant women at three trimesters: Variability, exposure characteristics, and association with oxidative stress biomarkers. Chemosphere, 2022, 304:135266.

9.Qi Liu, Wei Xia*, Xin Xiong, Juxiao Li, Ying Li, Shunqing Xu, Yuanyuan Li. Associations of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Excessive Gestational Weight Gain with Offspring Obesity Risk. Current Medical Science, 2022, 42(3):520-529.

10.Shulan Li#, Yanjian Wan#*, Yan Wang, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Occurrence, spatial variation, seasonal difference, and ecological risk assessment of organophosphate esters in the Yangtze River, China: From the upper to lower reaches. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851:158021.

11.Shuting Cao, Juan Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Associations of sleep duration with neurocognitive development in the first 2 years of life. The Journal of Sleep Research, 2022, e13554.

12.Yingyu Chen#, Han Xiao#, Asmagvl Namat, Juan Liu, Fengyu Ruan, Shunqing Xu, Ruizhen Li*, Wei Xia*. Association between trimester-specific exposure to thirteen endocrine disrupting chemicals and preterm birth: Comparison of three statistical models. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851:158236.

13.Liwen Lan#, Yanjian Wan#, Xi Qian, Aizhen Wang, Gaga Mahai, Zhenyu He, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Tongzhang Zheng, Wei Xia*. Urinary paraben derivatives in pregnant women at three trimesters: Variability, predictors, and association with oxidative stress biomarkers. Environment International, 2022, 165:107300.

14.Fengyu Ruan#, Jingjing Zhang#, Juan Liu, Xiaojie Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Association between prenatal exposure to metal mixtures and early childhood allergic diseases. Environmental Research, 2022, 206:112615.

15.Yitao Huo#, Yanjian Wan#, Qingzhu Huang#, Aizhen Wang, Gaga Mahai, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Pentachlorophenol exposure in early pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus: A nested case-control study. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 831:154889.

16.Lisha Shi#, Yanjian Wan#, Juan Liu, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*. Insecticide fipronil and its transformation products in human blood and urine: Assessment of human exposure in general population of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 786:147342.

17.Shu Huan, Shuna Jin, Hongxiu Liu, Wei Xia*, Gaodao Liang, Shunqing Xu, Xingjie Fang, Chunhui Li, Qianqian Wang, Xiaojie Sun, Yuanyuan Li. Fine particulate matter exposure and perturbation of serum metabolome: A longitudinal study in Baoding, China. Chemosphere, 2021, 276:130102.

18.Jiufeng Li#, Xi Qian#, Yanqiu Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Wei Xia*, Zongwei Cai*. Trimester-specific and sex-specific effects of prenatal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on fetal growth, birth size, and early-childhood growth: A longitudinal prospective cohort study. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 777:146146.

19.Chunhui Li#, Chuansha Wu#, Jingjing Zhang#, Yuanyuan Li, Bin Zhang, Aifen Zhou, Wenyu Liu, Zhong Chen, Ruizhen Li, Zhongqiang Cao, Wei Xia*, Shunqing Xu*. Associations of prenatal exposure to vanadium with early-childhood growth: A prospective prenatal cohort study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411:125102.

20.Jingyi Qin, Wei Xia*, Gaodao Liang, Shunqing Xu, Xiuge Zhao, Danlu Wang, Xiaojie Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Hongxiu Liu. Association of fine particulate matter with glucose and lipid metabolism: a longitudinal study in young adults. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 2021, 78(6):448-453.

21.Juan Liu, Wei Xia*, Yanjian Wan*, Shunqing Xu. Azole and strobilurin fungicides in source, treated, and tap water from Wuhan, central China: Assessment of human exposure potential. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 801:149733.

22.Gaga Mahai#, Yanjian Wan#, Aizhen Wang, Wei Xia*, Lisha Shi, Pei Wang, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu. Selected transformation products of neonicotinoid insecticides (other than imidacloprid) in drinking water. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 291:118225.

23.Xi Qian#, Yanjian Wan#, Aizhen Wang, Wei Xia*, Zong Yang, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu. Urinary metabolites of multiple volatile organic compounds among general population in Wuhan, central China: Inter-day reproducibility, seasonal difference, and their associations with oxidative stress biomarkers. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 289:117913.

24.Asmagvl Namat, Wei Xia*, Chao Xiong, Shunqing Xu, Chuansha Wu, Aizhen Wang, Yuanyuan Li, Yongning Wu, Jingguang Li. Association of BPA exposure during pregnancy with risk of preterm birth and changes in gestational age: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 220:112400.

25.Qing Guo, Yi Tang, Ying Li, Ziyuan Xu, Di Zhang, Jiangtao Liu, Xin Wang, Wei Xia*, Shunqing Xu. Perinatal High-Salt Diet Induces Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis, Bile Acid Homeostasis Disbalance, and NAFLD in Weanling Mice Offspring. Nutrients, 2021, 13(7):2135.

26.许青#, 熊欣#, 夏玮*, 徐顺清, 李媛媛, 荆涛. 不同孕期增重速率与子代0~2岁BMIZ轨迹的关联 [J] 华中科技大学学报(医学版). 2021, 50(5):609.

27.Gaga Mahai#, Yanjian Wan#, Wei Xia*, Aizhen Wang, Lisha Shi, Xi Qian, Zhenyu He, Shunqing Xu. A nationwide study of occurrence and exposure assessment of neonicotinoid insecticides and their metabolites in drinking water of China. Water Research, 2021, 189:116630.

28.Meng Wang, Wei Xia*, Qiang Zeng, Wenxin Zhang, Xi Qian, Shuangshuang Bao, Aifen Zhou, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu. Associations between prenatal and postnatal lead exposure and preschool children humoral and cellular immune responses. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 207:111536.

29.Xin Xiong, Wei Xia*, Yuanyuan Li, Shunqing Xu, Yaqi Zhang. Associations of Gestational Weight Gain Rate During Different Trimesters with Early-Childhood Body Mass Index and Risk of Obesity. Obesity, 2020, 28(10):1941-1950.

30.Xinmei Chen #, Jiaqiang Liao#, Shunqing Xu, Bin Zhang, Weiyun Wang, Zhongqiang Cao, Gaga Mahai, Xuefen Yang, Yimin Zhang, Shengwen Liang, Ke Hu, Yuanyuan Li, Wei Xia *: Associations of exposure to nitrogen dioxide and major roadways with growth trajectories and obesity at 2 years old: A prospective cohort study. Atmospheric Environment, 2020, 232: 117574.