Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
* jhwccc@sina.com
Academic Areas
Biostatistics / Health Statistics
Research Interests
Spatial Statistical Modeling
Multiway Data Analysis
Biostatistical Modeling
Bioinfomatical Modeling
Selected Professional Affiliations
2015- Commissioner, Statistical Theory and Methodology, Chinese Health Information and Big Data Association, CHIBDA
Courses Taught
Medical Statistics / Health Statistics / Multivariate Statistics / Experimental Design and Data Analysis / Introduction to SAS in Medical Research
Awards and Honors
2007 Excellent Publication Award, National Bureau of Statistics of China
1999 Oncogene Protein Expression of Lung Cancer and its Biological Behaviors, 3rd-class Military Medical Science and Technology Award, PLA
2007 – 2010 Ph.D. Degree of Health Statistics, Second Military Medical University
2000 – 2003 Master Degree of Health Statistics, Fourth Military Medical University
1990 – 1995 Bachelor Degree of Science (BSc) in Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Professional/working Experience
2011~ Current Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Lecturer
Major Responsibility – Teaching Biostatistics
1995~2011 General Military Hospital of Guangzhou Military Zone, Wuhan, Assistant Clinical and Hospital Statistician, Major Responsibility – Clinical Statistics
Past and ongoing projects, funding, programs
2018-2021 Propensity Score Method for Controlling Spatial Confounding Bias, NSFC, PI
2014-2015 Multi-Block Graphically Weighted Partial Least Squares Regression Models and its Application in Spatial Transfer of Environment-Food Heavy Metal Contamination, NSFC, PI
2012-2013 ulti-Block Generalized Partial Least Squares Regression Models and its Application in Modeling Etiological Association Network of Lung Cancer, MOE, PI
2007-2010 isk Models for Equipment Management of Joint Venture, MSFC, PI
Select Publications
Books, Patents
1. Chapter6, Repeated Measurement ANOVA, (Page 95-101). In: Statistical Analysis Using SAS, Beijing, 2014. (in Chinese)
2. Chapter of Statistical Analysis for Tumor Prevention Study, Prophylactic Ontology, 2-14. (in pressing)
3. Chapter 2, Statistical Description of Measurement Data (Page 10-23) & Chapter 14, ANOVA of Repeated Measurement Data (Page 226-237). In: Medical Statistics. Beijing: Higher Education Press (HEP), 2012,. (in Chinese).
4. Chapter 23, Discrimination Analysis and Cluster Analysis. In: Medical Statistics. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House, 2010, 412-446. (in Chinese).
5. Chapter 29, Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks. In: Advance Medical Statistics. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.Pte. Ltd.,2007, 1073-1090.
Journal Article
* Corresponding author
1. Zhang J; Chen S; Li G; Zhang W; Qin T; Yin P; Huang H; Jiang H*. Induction chemotherapy followed by concurrent chemoradiotherapy vs. concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a retrospective cohort study. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2017, 79(6):1087-1097.
2. Yajun Cheng, Hongwei Jiang*. Instant messenger-based online discourse platform and its impacts on students' academic performances: An exploratory study in art and design education. Computers & Education, 2015, 88: 315-326.
3. Yajun Chen, Hongwei Jiang. A Framework of Animation System Embedded E-S Process, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 339: 789-792.
4. Chunxia Zhang, Ping Yin, Hongwei Jiang. A Spatial Negative Binomial Regression Model and its Application, Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2012, 29(6): 805-807 (in Chinese).
5. Yajun Cheng, Ruirui Zhang, Hongwei Jiang. A Modified Model of Information Search Process for e-learning systems, The International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 2011.
6. Yajun Cheng, Ruirui Zhang, Hongwei Jiang. A Conceptual Approach for Project-based Padagogical Processes Embedded in an Existing E-Learning Platform. The International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering (URKE), 2011.
7. Hongwei Jiang, Luoman Zhang, Jielai Xia. A new array decomposition method for multiway data analysis, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2010, 101(1), 56-71.
8. Hongwei Jiang, Luoman Zhang, Hong Meng. A Monte Carlo Comparison between Three Dimension-reduced Methods for Colinearity in Logistic Regression Models. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2010, 27(6): 562-566 (in Chinese)
9. Hongwei Jiang, Jielai Xia, etc. Application of PLS-DA in Classification Based on Gene Expression Microarray. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2007, 24(4): 355-361 (in Chinese)
10. Hongwei Jiang, Jielai Xia, etc. The Detection Methods of Outlier in Partial Least Squares Regression. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2004, 21(3): 273-279 (in Chinese)